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[英文] 关加班英语对话 [複製鏈接]

有关加班英语对话1.至少两人在场  b0 S* u2 I, I' U
: T" d* V& @) a& v* d# G
  a:i need to work overtime today.$ b6 T% @& E& Y) B/ z6 b! X( k
  b:make sure that at least two people are present for safety reasons.
& q5 l+ ^1 d8 Q! [  a:我今天要加班了。' H' R  m! F" \# i! A4 G& o8 f
  b:为了安全起见,至少要有两个人在场。4 i4 w7 K0 }& Z2 W; E
  有关加班英语对话2. 有问题打电话  a: julian, i’m going to work next saturday.
, v' p# V, |% t" x  b: good, call me if there are any issues.
* @- N1 H; x; B) S  a:朱利安,我下周要来加班。) U) z. Y# g! |, I
  b:好的,有问题给我打电话。! j0 G9 M' C, o' I6 k+ b9 l# |
  注:”issues” are problems and troubles, not simply something.
+ k( Q0 ^% M" C  有关加班英语对话3.离开之前检查电、火和煤气。  a: you can go home, we’ll finish the job.
' ~1 {4 g! Z' Q- r5 _% ~/ j  b: thank you. make sure to check all the electricity,fire, gases after done.8 ^( \; U' c7 e, \& z( Y4 w
- P1 F; B& L5 L9 t; Z  b:谢谢你,(干完)走之前一定要检查电、火和煤气。9 w5 ^. |- A: K$ k5 s- |6 ~
  有关加班英语对话4.薪水工  a: do i get overtime pay?
/ d5 }- c+ {& B  k1 y, h  b: no, you are an exempt (salaried) employee, and do not get paid for overtime.6 [% z+ k7 H; W. I' ?# f9 a# _
& |. g' i. b5 k! S  b:没有,你是薪水工,加班是没有加班费的。$ T+ g" Y* {. C
  有关加班英语对话5.不得不加班  a: can you finish it today?
3 V0 m" g! @4 d+ z% _* H  Z  b: no way, i have to work overtime today to get it done.
0 w$ X2 G* m% J. |3 L! q  a:你今天能干完吗?
$ w+ _+ {# w& m$ z5 \' s  b:根本不可能,我今天不得不加班才能干完。& D. b; O/ O0 y/ v6 o$ b( T/ R
  有关加班英语对话6.加班就餐  a:how about overtime meals, can we expense them?
/ B( R  U1 i' l; \1 g  b:yes, submit the expense report to me.5 e9 o  z1 T& F1 p) A2 i
  a:加班就餐怎么办?我们能报销吗?" z+ j9 j* `+ s) H" |
  b:可以,把报销单交给我。& ~' c1 z; ^; H7 D* `7 w1 V
  有关加班英语对话7. 加班费  a: how much is the overtime pay?
7 q3 n% G9 M/ Z0 Q  b: it’s 1.5 times for workday overtime, and 2 times for weekends.% q% q. d" i1 A" l. P  ?1 G
: D8 N: f2 }0 r  G  b:工作日加班是正常的1.5倍,周末是2倍。( D8 t, ]1 P0 Y9 `
  有关加班英语对话8.报销  a: did you report the expenses for the overtime?
8 Q4 `- J0 E0 d' W  b: not yet. i’ll report the taxi and meal expenses later today.
: N5 M! {: P$ B6 D+ k  a:你加班的费用报销了吗?
& z7 Z8 `! f: m" n' P  b:还没有,我今天晚些时候连打车和吃饭一起报销。
( N5 H8 F% s: c# S2 B" z6 X# Q  有关加班英语对话9.加班申请  a: i just submitted a request for overtime.& s, L  H. {% `4 `' r6 t2 O$ Q( F5 u
  b: i will take a look and see if it is necessary.
/ x7 N' W  h" N  a:我刚刚交了一份加班申请。
& S3 e% ?; R0 J$ B- ~2 F  b:我一会儿看看有没有必要加班。1 `1 `2 |3 l+ c) Y! Q. {9 K
  有关加班英语对话10.补休  a: i have worked overtime for the entire week.
2 i& c$ m* R3 S# g2 U3 d0 T2 B: N  b: you can take some time off later.6 c1 t; O# b# P3 E1 _! h  C
  a:为了完成工作,我一整周都在加班。& E7 v5 z4 W9 W
0 p6 f; [% q9 ]5 ~: [! }' [7 E% @. A1 C7 V9 z8 [. v  o$ U  H4 Z
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回復樓主 親!! 現在是淩晨!妳失眠啦?餓啦?通宵加班?還是想WK啦?

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