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[英文] 中国旅游景点红枫湖英文介绍 [複製鏈接]

Located about 32 kilometers (20 miles) west ofGuiyang is the Hong-feng (Red Maple) Lake. It isconsidered to be the pearl of the Guizhou Plateau,and is the most fascinating among the three lakesin this part of Guizhou. The other Iwo are Baihua(Hundred Flowers) Lake and Dongfeng (East Wind)Lake.
: g2 J0 j# p4 n# U$ S7 @8 f1 ^  红楓湖位于贵阳以西约32公里(20英里)。它被认为是贵州高原的珍珠,贵州区域内三湖里最迷人的湖泊。其他两个分别是百花湖和东风湖。
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  Hongfeng Lake is the largest artificial lake on the Guizhou Plateau. Its surface covers 57. 2square kilometers (22 square miles) and in area is twelve times the size of the Ming TombsReservoir in Beijing and six times as large as the famous West Lake in Hangzhou. The lake andthe surrounding scenic area occupy a total of 240 square kilometers (93 square miles). Thereare many red maple trees on the surrounding mountain ranges whose leaves turn red every fall-hence the lake’s name./ B# K7 E/ h, V4 v% w+ _$ L5 ?5 e% A
  红楓湖是贵州高原上最大的人工湖。其面积为57.2平方公里(22平方英里)是北京十三陵水库的12倍,是著名的杭州西湖的六倍。湖和周围的风景区共占据240平方公里(93平方英里)。周围山脉有很多红色的枫树,它们的叶子每当秋天变红,因此有了湖的名字。3 C6 K+ \+ o* Z/ }, U- Q
  The Hongfeng Lake Scenic Area consists of four parts: the North Lake, the South Lake, theRear Lake and the minority ethnic villages. The North Lake is the smallest and is famous for itsvarious islands such as Bird Island, Snake Island and Tortoise Island. Along the shore there is ahistoric complex of ancient tombs left by the Western Han Dynasty,; T- {! Q- L4 c) D: U* |! a
  红楓湖风景区由四部分组成:北湖,南湖,后湖和少数民族村庄。朝鲜是最小的湖和因有各种岛屿如鸟岛,蛇和乌龟岛而闻名。在湖边有一个西汉留下的历史复杂的古墓的。% _4 C( r, i# O
  Hongfeng Lake is beautiful and serene. It is an ideal tourist destination and can beconveniently included in an itinerary that includes the Dragon Palace and HuangguoshuWaterfall.) Q  [+ Z+ ~$ D1 c2 V
  红楓湖美丽宁静,这是一个理想的旅游目的地,可以方便地包含在有龙宫和黄果树瀑布的一个行程中。, j' n( Y- c: y& J$ D

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