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[英文] 爱情英语诗歌译文:爱的风险 [複製鏈接]

  There is a risk involved in everything:
7 `, C) w; Q' Z1 ?" v5 f  Every time you share a smile,
+ y7 W1 G9 T7 L1 m8 M5 L  Every time you shed a tear,! [3 s# t9 M7 w0 V7 X, H
  You are opening yourself up to hurt.0 A" K1 u9 ]' i# `) V6 C
  每件事都存在风险:9 z- G+ }' l9 b* ]( d: V* @! Z
  每次对他人微笑,& d) Q$ N7 ^% A
  每回落泪,* w+ k! T. W6 P, H1 T7 J1 o
6 T) o7 ~0 V" Q: |/ q4 a  Some people tread slowly through life,
# N5 T+ R. n1 `* c  Avoiding the closeness risk bring9 \; w, u) K2 ]/ G5 [
  Sidestepping the things they can not understand,
& N1 J1 D5 d! Y5 ]  Turning away from those who care too much—8 o' t- k8 z1 r- H
  Those who care stay too long,5 W! V+ U" M2 s1 J% q/ B# c# g
  Those who hold too tightly.3 K  L5 l% {2 e' |4 n) r9 r5 W
) X# U8 V- Y, x, t7 h# F7 J# a  避开恋爱带来的与他人亲密的风险," {3 L) T7 {  p' U
, J7 Y% h% l/ V# g! [  远离那些太在意的人——9 K8 x4 n# L! v0 O1 K7 r0 H/ M
9 A; C' F6 J5 u1 l  那些抓得太紧的人。- L0 f( m% a+ F" `; b  `* w
  There is never an easy way to love.7 m; B# ]1 ?0 U* e4 ~0 I
  You cannot approach it cautiously.- X! ]1 j: T6 |- ]
  It will not wait for you to arm yourself.
! N! Z7 h# }; v  爱从来不存在容易的方式。; W/ p- R# D% ^5 E, m/ B+ }7 K
  你无法谨慎地靠近它。6 _8 E: M3 p3 |! \1 y
- M% |' |+ m/ B! c# a) {4 Y
  It does not care if you turn away.- q$ o* F: C# o1 b. I
  It is everywhere, it is everything.
& D1 @8 E1 D. P5 A  Love is the greatest of all risks.
* S" P6 j1 J& @" `( q0 l3 u! [  它不在意你是否走开。
4 N& D; g4 p  P% Z; [$ o  它无处不在,无所不是。: R! c7 e' c4 [; P. A9 K
# F$ E2 s/ F4 g: E" @  It is not reliable, it is not cautiou: [2 x+ U' S: T5 F
  It is not sympathetic.+ A, F4 k( O8 b* u
  It is unprejudiced and unmerciful.- ?! t5 F6 X7 V+ u* O  [
  It strikes the strongest of mind,
3 [& A. c& ^  J+ I9 l9 T- k7 Z$ H. A/ T  And brings them to their knees in one blow.
1 Z0 e$ i/ {9 `6 \' n9 Y  它不可靠,它不谨慎,
0 t6 X. U1 B1 ~, g" a2 \. Z) @3 J  它不怜悯。3 f8 B% s! w0 v
  它没有偏见,也不仁慈。4 C/ x9 b" M* O$ Z" @! d' D' n5 [' I
5 N) f( }: R/ J( }( `  `+ l  一击就让其拜倒。
' ^6 B: C) L1 D4 R: h6 X  Even in the best of time love hurts.
8 D' p, S! q% P" ^; E  It hurts to need, it hurts to belong,
0 V- ?1 N' z# G6 Q# v  It hurts to be the other part of someone else,  {8 t( E2 Y1 c
  Without either of your consent.
* \: L; N0 |* P  即使在最美好的时光里,爱也给人带来伤痛。
* {: c4 L) |- c0 ]  对爱的渴求带来痛苦,爱的归属带来痛苦," |: f$ ~: x/ [2 X" l! D1 q7 y9 Z
  成为他人的另一半带来痛苦,0 c0 [) B; ?9 T/ y7 N. k
% x& y) p, R: N/ x. W1 ~  But, from the moment it 1)overtakes you,
. O& H# c( G2 s7 M3 J( t2 q6 ^1 X  It hurts worse to be all alone.
3 h6 a* B$ o7 Q# `2 l/ m! W) u4 i  The risk of love never 2)depletes;( y$ V' `. u+ V  f9 F1 O/ l
  It grows stronger and more dangerous with time.5 [" @3 T# j% [, ^( J0 [& b
  But, it is in the total surrender of all defenses; O! V- r9 V# k/ m# f  L
  That we, no matter weak or strong,7 j; ]7 ?6 ~" V  Z( B0 w, I
  No matter willing or 3)captive,! S/ @9 `: \' I% c( i5 f; A
  No matter what, we truly experience love.3 |! t8 o" V2 Q7 N4 Y
- G) c* A' h! |2 J/ s  比你独自一人,它带来的痛苦更大。7 D7 r$ v: o* W# U# H& u3 T& \
' g! w. I; h/ h/ `' `8 y5 F' M, C4 d  它随着时间的流逝日益强大危险。; `* F6 Z  ^" C, s% I- K6 J  _
  但,只有当我们彻底投降时,- ]0 z4 d/ o6 Q7 Q% e
4 R  x, L3 a, t- c. I9 e' q# K  无论是自愿还是被迫,' ]* w8 \" ^' h
  无论如何,我们才真正体验到爱。$ p) {& Z0 W! T% O1 _) q+ C
  Despite the many things love is not,
$ A% k( L6 J* `3 Q5 p8 ^  Outweighing it all are the things that love is:5 n$ o+ S- L& Y
  Love is surrender without a loss.
6 M4 D5 ~- T" D' ^  It is a gift without the cost.9 P' d( t. `: b7 m8 d  r
  It consumes your every thought and desire,( [% \, T: f$ `9 j
  Every breath you take.4 n' Q2 k4 ]3 q. p9 P) h' m
  It is the fire that fuels you
" Q9 `0 j: ~. \3 z  n* h" A( W, X  To do more than pass through life;: l+ {; {# \% ~! E% R5 y* K% c
  It urges you, instead, to live.* c: ~3 p3 P+ b. C  C& P  O' C
  尽管爱不包含很多东西,4 C* `: P. N* W; i' a
& _. K! B( L* F" p6 ~, X  爱是没有损失的投降。
% D" o; k+ F% Y: Q  它是没有成本的礼物。
5 P& J" ~: i7 P8 N  它占据你所有的思考和欲望,# y1 _4 Z# ^1 m! F% I3 h
  占据你每一口的呼吸。/ C7 r5 D* ]; B& k
, ]& Z  s# _0 A* i0 n4 [  不至虚混度日;' ~: N2 k6 m+ {9 i) }) A# ?/ ^; y
  它促使你真真正正地生活。' F7 }6 a5 o) P/ U% [: J
  No matter the outcome, having felt love," M/ w8 ?8 e7 g; q4 k. A# ^2 `
  You will never be the same.
; T+ H+ B4 |4 N9 x/ c% e9 U  It may scar your heart and soul
, U: m3 J/ g. s4 w' D  And leave you only memories of forever.
, B2 z9 n8 o; S4 M1 s6 r  Or, it may cause every day of your life; M; g  N! \& g" j- ^
  To feel like there is no need for tomorrow.- D, Y9 [, a7 t5 W
  But, love is worth it. It is worth the risk...* ?- Z  Q% I8 O' r
  不论结果如何,一旦感受到爱,% P3 e7 H# A8 i, o+ V3 w6 x/ _( M
  你就不再一如往昔。* H0 [' B# B/ e/ w
  它也许会在你的心和灵魂里刻下伤疤,' f$ d* D* u2 p4 |3 k2 S* M
  并只给你留下永恒的回忆。+ Y6 \' h) z( C! e5 b) H* Z; F
  或者,它也许会耗尽你生命的每一天,+ L7 ^: e5 p1 O& [5 D
" n& ~7 n( Z+ O! ^3 ?  H8 l  但,爱值得。它值得你去冒险……
% [$ Z1 c$ z; W  For in all of life,
4 }6 n* j2 k5 {9 P  Love is truly the only risk worth taking.0 P& E+ u3 T9 G: {
4 x7 N3 E8 }5 P" y  爱真的是唯一值得冒的险。+ m: R+ U! `" {, c' U
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