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[英文] 精美英文小诗:My Psychic [複製鏈接]

  has a giant hand diagrammed in front of her place+ m- }( F* f, L- [
  on West Tennessee.
# t4 I6 S" {# p  It towers above a kudzu hill as if; U, A+ j4 X8 Z/ [. ^6 Q: x+ D, Z
  to offer a cosmic How!
, v8 ?$ q. ~9 K, L5 _2 K  as in Hello! from a long/ K5 |, s) n+ c/ a: g  H  ~, |
  way off, as in how
: u( d9 A7 ~3 w  she already knows
: K7 |. Q7 i" W! X" T  the sundry screwed up ways a day
( U4 d! G( I1 k9 ?4 X  can go days before( u  H4 J' N2 U2 P) E4 F
  I park my wreck on the hill again beside9 b- L( [, [* ~
  her white Mercedes.
# \+ x! x0 M6 Y0 p  O little slice of Lebanon!
7 \- J7 `: f! M  O cedar scented
5 U* T2 B4 f: O  cards fanned like feathers1 ?" H, j, }6 V# o+ c
  of a Byzantine peacock!3 ^" N; m, A% ]  }- X- x! u' c
  Tell me again how I might have been a fine lawyer,- p) X; C! Z; E# @" H' b
  that I'll raise four kids in Tallahassee," X% s; J/ p6 B& B5 Z8 Z" P
  how I married-it's true-on my lunch break-Yez
3 m5 l+ C: K4 N, r+ w  she took you to lunch okay a zeven year lunch ha ha!
+ j" M! F3 a% @1 X% ~# i$ l  Incense. Mini-shrine.9 V. f' [( }& ~" @9 W, V) v
  A wagon train of chihuahuas snoozing by her slippers.
4 s. J. V, m4 B- ~0 O0 c( Q  You have anxious about a furniture… I do.
5 j: w' ?" k5 q: A) j  C. p  But lately I've grown cold,7 q/ X$ y4 u; k$ `# ^: a# _- v
  unconsoled by her extrasensory view.6 F9 y/ p! s5 c
  I think no need to speak-across
8 G3 ~$ U: f7 t- N$ u; D  the black tabletop, I don't want to know
- K, H: ]) g, W4 q& i+ }  if I'll find a bright city,
7 h& N: z1 ]% A' S) Q  a room by the river,a love. }% Q7 i$ k- |, L0 k  ?; n
  I will recognize
) x9 A! A# h* O) J1 D1 g  by her dragonfly+ Q, l! V- @# _
  tattoo. O narrative of ether!
9 T% }7 ], |9 [& F- U+ [4 T( }! q  y  O non-refundable
3 N3 Y7 k( T: K. @6 f/ l  life facts! say that what happens may not matter,4 J6 ^3 u: ~$ @/ K
  or that it matters as any
7 m1 H. Z8 Y+ ?7 ]  i3 T) m5 k  story does when two fresh lovers
" M6 S" E0 J; o! j% B& k1 W" s7 ]  embrace the old pact
3 c: |0 W9 T' W  (her bra on the chair,% O  ], @& A2 L0 C
  his socks in the kitchen) that says: h* @( j: ~: i% L) r
  their love is level,
2 V6 o2 Y% T/ g+ p/ j  p  unfabled, new. Level with me,
: R$ i+ e) E; |- Z  tell me why the dogs on the floor,
0 D, C4 d5 [: e! J- B8 x5 y3 w  little moon fed hounds of Delphi, seem so over it,) X9 K' X  A  A8 H* O  k1 _
  so done with the fleas of destiny.% N( c! C- v0 W3 v) V
  Maybe that's the right attitude,2 @  U; J4 I$ K8 B- A
  no need to ask why I'm here on a perfectly blue Friday,6 T* U. B( s' R$ s' i
  content with what the thin air,- j/ c& i3 `. r1 Z( b
  what the dust motes in the light say near the high window.
5 w% f% F: x. g  I should've learned that music long ago. x; o" `: O: ~% i/ V8 W; L
  O soundless number!5 a+ u* M+ O( R9 \$ o- _0 }
  O jukebox of being that the dogs dream to!
0 [' M" P$ L& A) R  Y  No faux crystal ball,
  G  f/ E, {; s  no tea leaves or terrace in the nether3 c9 d! m& o# V2 W1 {$ A
  reaches of my palm
6 ^( D6 l) T" l7 ?; M; y/ m- g  will make her answers* F1 n4 {1 X4 t  c, i$ Y. C  u
  less like hocus pocus in a purchased dark.
+ m* ]# w8 |) l! ]- ^. z9 r  It's time to pay, to drive away
0 _- t" _0 T+ Y6 d; Q: _4 g' ^  from telepathic altitudes, to say adieu
' n8 g5 D0 e  M0 `1 v% k' G  to why love ends. How6 @. ~1 x7 _/ q; n, `" N
  How a heart opens again.2 x! T2 W' {4 `$ B1 j! u# Y8 G$ H
  Why anything is true.
. k8 e' o" T8 n. S

: }! ^& L2 s$ y, r5 h* P8 ?
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