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[英文] 贺拉斯英语名言句子 [複製鏈接]

  1、时光转眼即逝。6 R& t' a$ y: c
  the time which passes in an instant.
. c0 P# [6 C4 Q  2、青春时光转眼即逝。
3 z! T9 \( l# r( V; m' t5 E  youth time which passes in an instant.
; T% @- G$ W9 f+ {. S" P+ h  3、一言既出,无法收回。2 A. `$ {" E0 b
  a word spoken, will not be repaid.
/ h$ f4 V" y( z/ u+ t) @  4、教育能开拓人的智力。7 r* }" H' I0 ?! c, {, ?* `
  education can develop people's intelligence.) R4 o2 W2 U2 q
  5、短短一生何必计划成堆。" f* g: O) I0 f5 D) s( J! V8 E
  why should a short span of life plan piles.1 @5 g( z6 Z% @7 v& A' L
  z9 a# q! A) q3 U/ ?6 w  ?" h  opened a good start is half done.  |7 k- O, _3 o$ M
  7、我们只不过是尘埃和影子。/ h/ ^- \) i1 ]8 C% b: V3 N
  we are just dust and shadows.
$ K+ [9 U0 q2 q% [/ v9 h- S  8、愚蠢常因富贵而得到原谅。
% n8 i! A  c* M; ]5 w+ W: [1 w  the rich often silly forgiven.
; `  D5 @% s! [* c1 g" ^2 }  9、你不可能用干草叉赶走人性。
, Q" j. E: B* S9 A  you can not use pitchforks out humanity.
7 b4 V% Y) ~' K* o+ Q/ [  10、不劳动者无法从中获得裨益。
" t- p4 E/ O/ N, d  V6 Z  no workers cannot get benefits.+ e$ @  u; m/ v; O
  11、抓住那似水流年,抓住,抓住!# D1 H( k0 L6 {# A. |+ |
  grasp the timesong,, catch!% P" W7 n2 Y  p- l4 i5 o, |; P
$ P6 B- P$ R1 w9 j  time volatile, drum flies with wings.
- m  I7 ~9 \# T* b& ^  13、心灵的痛苦更甚于肉体的痛楚。
1 q5 Y/ }/ a( n6 \4 m# N' i  ~7 E) x  the pain of the mind more than the pain of the flesh.
4 Q" ^. K  _* {* Q  J  14、有一千人,就会有一千种观点。  m& i0 R( H9 e0 a! K9 [: u
  there are one thousand people, there will be one thousand kinds of views.7 B$ I) U: Z! B- i% e. ^
7 g( Q, W/ v+ R9 r  the nature with a fork fork, it is still to come back.( j$ V% s, j! W% T  ^( k, H' s
  16、真正的知己看上去比骗子还要冷漠。0 j' M6 F( ^4 ~4 H* B
  the real bosom friend look indifferent than a liar.
0 S$ Z9 I$ t/ w: S9 |" r  17、施展暴力又无理由,只会自食其果。
- f  Z8 k/ g& ^4 e! M0 |* d  use violence and no reason, it will only take the consequences.' |) e1 v7 e$ N" |4 z! `
  18、没有财富,地位和勇敢连海草都不如。# s8 f& G; O( }) K# p
  no wealth, status and brave as seaweed.7 W1 P5 `  E3 u3 v% a% z$ V
9 f- ^$ m+ f) v6 |  be corrupted moral trampling on the law and he yiyi?7 y0 @% f5 o# V0 S4 V
  20、逆境使天才脱颖而出,顺境会埋没天才。9 w* m9 t9 T, _# a3 j. Y5 |
  adversity make genius, prosperity will bury a genius./ Y8 Q' m3 J* a8 A0 p
- l# X3 T) S/ F& p  u7 S  property could be service for you, but it is possible that your slave.4 l+ e6 f4 a3 @) |& J
8 o8 r; O; u; C' Z  J  l  dry up, want to be brave, wisdom in the adventure.5 Z* S  ?7 ?) G4 s$ f: y0 O
5 b! i9 N5 e1 k9 p' ~2 ?  what are you laughing at? as long as change a name, the story said it was you.
% }4 K* h$ x8 ^) v6 X
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